
I’m self-destructing before your eyes
And you don’t even realise
I wish you would remember
Or that we could go back to September
But the way back no longer exists
We move forward, no matter who resists
Not sure whether to push or withdraw
That I want you, is all I know for sure
In any way I can, so what I fear
Is losing you altogether, my dear
Staying as we are guarantees
I get a little of you at least
But taking the leap could open the door
To potentially so much more
So, my darling, I have pushed hard
And it’s up to you to play the next card


The pain is leaking
Don’t want it to start
Leaving me swinging
From head to heart
And back again

Innocuous words
Trivial conversations
Like shining swords
Perform ablations
On my soul

Distance is approaching
But will it bring relief
Or is more pain encroaching
Leaving only disbelief
At my stupidity

Batten down the hatches
Build a better fortress
Prevent any relapses
Avoid future tortures
Embrace only truth

There’s moments I forget
The one golden rule
Which is never regret
No matter how much fuel
Feeds that desire

But the decision made
At a specific time and date
Dominoed and ricocheted
Through time and space
Like a hollow point

To time travel back
And decide not to go
Is an aphrodisiac
My brain likes to show
On the big screen

Stepping Out

Moving at the speed of light
From the start right to the end
And beyond, as it turns out
My head is still in a spin

Thinking of the pure delight
There’s no longer a defence
To keep these emotions out
Or to keep the desire in

And now in the dead of night
The questions never relent
And I’m filled with so much doubt
About what and where we’ve been

For you are with her tonight
And all of my love is spent
So tonight I’m stepping out
As temptation pulls me in