What if…?

The cage ahead looms dark and grey
Although not real, just the mind at play
Tension and anxiety ready to rise
Fearing a life of bondage and lies
The radar already beginning transmission
Sending, receiving, to establish position
Where are you, where am I, where are we?
The real question is, have I stopped living for me?
Triggers compound, blurring the choices
Igniting a desire to silence the voices
And banish the past and live for the now
Constantly wondering ‘if only’ and ‘how’?
Whatever will be was the motto to date
But should this be left to the hands of fate?
Wanting to act, yet drowned by inertia
To stay or to go? Asking again, vice versa
The Gypsy blood is flowing strong
But what if, what if, the decision is wrong?

There is Love

There is love
That pulls at your heart
There is love
Where you’re better off apart
There is love
That you feel for a child
There is love
That always makes you smile
But what about the love
That’s unconditional and free
Sometimes I wonder if that love
Is out there for me