
A strong urge to be close
But I’m enjoying this distance
That I’ve fought long and hard for
In spite of your resistance
Even though I miss you
And the conversations we had
The respite from the deceit and lies
Is definitely not something bad
The desire will pass, I know it will
Just as I know you will be back
So for now I’ll enjoy the silence
Before your next attack


Yes, I am still smarting
Did you think I wouldn’t care
Or that it wouldn’t hurt me
The news you had to share
Delivered with no notice
Or thought to how I’d feel
As though I’ve no emotions
That my feelings are not real
Spare me all the details
For I’d prefer I didn’t know
Perhaps in time you’ll understand
The impact of the blow
But for now you are oblivious
To the destruction in the wake
Of your blasé revelation
That caused my world to shake
I know I will recover
Given patience and some time
And of course through the words
That do not always rhyme
In the end I wish you peace
May karma treat you well
For I do not wish on anyone
This special kind of Hell