Hold My Hand

Dissociation and disconnection
Walking hand in hand
Leading to a place of freedom
In some kind of in-between land
Where the world is one I create
Not based on then or now
Where words that are so fake
Lose all importance somehow
And those who truly love me
The ones who really understand
Will ensure I’m not left be
But will come and hold my hand
And remind me that my value
Does not rest upon the lies
But instead a heart so true
That’s not reflected in your eyes


Will the arguments and protests
Be the same ten years from now?
Will the silly little attempts at conquest
Be shown to be foolish somehow?
Fear’s a great method of social control
So will history show the truth of today?
Will the pathetic excuses just unfold
Revealing the power games played?


I can feel your pain
Even though we’ve never met
I know nothing’s explained
About why you’re alone in your bed
Though I am willing to own
The part I had to play
We are not alone
At the end of the day
So, all have had an impact here
Not just one or two
The blame for this does not adhere
Only to me or you
I know you’ve got the most to lose
No matter how this goes
I’m not sure what I’d choose
Nothing I suppose
Just know I’m not the only one
Though I think you already do
But in spite of what’s been done
The heart is always true

Fatal Bites

Woke this morning,
Drowning in fears.
Almost found myself
Reduced to tears.
Craving the truth,
About the how,
And the why.
Wanting it now,
But also aware,
I know I must,
Somehow, some way,
Learn how to trust.
To replace the past,
With evidence,
That seems to last.
But it’s all those
Little whites,
Whose teeth deliver
Some fatal bites.
And a lifetime
Believing a lie,
Is a slow, painful
Way to die.
Decades being told
The same old story,
But finding it was
Lies, in their glory.
None of them big,
But they’re enough
To change a life,
That was so rough.
And this is why
I crave the truth,
Please don’t think
I am obtuse.


I dont want to do this
I don’t want to shred our hearts
The harder I pull away
The more drawn to you I am
Do you feel it?
Those two words from you
Opened my eyes
Increased my awareness
I had become so blinkered
Short-sighted and tunnel-visioned
Desperate to repel you
To deny the attraction
But the truth is
I want to hold you forever
Never let you go
Tell you over and over
Until you know it is true
That my feelings are real
This has never been a game for me
You are not a toy or plaything
You never have been
And never will be in my eyes
You are a magical, mystical creation
With such depth of being
Yet hidden in masquerade
The pendulum swings
From desire to frustration
And back again
Over and over
I don’t want to hear your words
Only what your body tells me
The two so often conflicted